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Version: v3.0.x LTS

zos file list mounts

zos file list mounts

zos > file > list > mounts

Show status or details of mounted z/OS file systems.


zos file list mounts [fileSystemName*] --mount-point | --mp <mount-point-path> --limit <limit>

Positional Arguments

  • fileSystemName*

    • Specify the file system name to narrow down the results. Wildcard character * and ? is supported.


  • --mount-point (string)

    • Specify the path that the file system is mounted.
  • --limit (number)

    • Specify the number of the file systems to display.


@bot zos file list mounts
  • Show all mounted filesystems.
@bot zos file list mounts --mp '/a/ibmuser'
  • Show filesystems which are mounted to a specific path.
@bot zos file list mounts sac*
  • Show mounted filesystems with name starting with 'sac'.