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Version: v3.0.x LTS

Installing the sample plug-in

Installing the sample plug-in

This tutorial covers installing and running the Zowe™ CLI sample plug-in, which adds a command to the CLI to list the contents of a directory on your computer.

Before you begin, set up your local environment to install a plug-in.

Installing the sample plug-in to Zowe CLI

To install the Zowe CLI sample plug-in:

  1. Open a terminal and enter cd zowe-tutorial to change directory into your zowe-tutorial folder.

    See Initial setup for instructions on creating the zowe-tutorial folder.

  2. Issue the following command to install the sample plug-in to Zowe CLI:

    zowe plugins install ./zowe-cli-sample-plugin

    The Zowe CLI Sample Plug-in is installed.

Viewing the installed plug-in

Open a terminal and issue the zowe --helpcommand to return information for the installed zowe-cli-sample command group:


Using the installed plug-in

Open a terminal and issue the zowe zowe-cli-sample list directory-contents command:


Testing the installed plug-in

  1. Open a terminal and enter cd zowe-tutorial/zowe-cli-sample-plugin to run automated tests against the plug-in.

  2. Issue the following command:

    npm run test

    The command runs the automated unit and system tests defined in the __tests__ folder. Test results are displayed in the terminal with the count of passed and failed tests. Failed tests are identified in the results.

Next steps

You successfully installed a plug-in to Zowe CLI! Next, try the Extending a plug-in tutorial to learn about developing new commands for this plug-in.